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Oracle RDC in clinical trials

Oracle Remote Data Capture (RDC) is a web-based electronic data capture (EDC) system that is commonly used in clinical trials to collect and manage clinical data. It is designed to streamline the data collection process and improve data accuracy, quality, and efficiency.

Oracle RDC offers a range of features that make it a popular choice for clinical trial data management. Some of the key features include:

  1. User-friendly interface: Oracle RDC has a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and allows for efficient data entry and management.
  2. Electronic case report forms (eCRFs): Oracle RDC uses electronic case report forms (eCRFs) to collect data from study participants. These eCRFs are designed to capture the required data fields in a structured and consistent manner, which helps to reduce errors and ensure data accuracy.
  3. Automated edit checks: Oracle RDC uses automated edit checks to ensure that the data entered into the system is complete and accurate. If any data fields are missing or contain errors, the system will alert the user and prompt them to make the necessary corrections.
  4. Real-time data validation: Oracle RDC has a real-time data validation feature that helps to identify any discrepancies or inconsistencies in the data as it is being entered. This allows for timely resolution of any data issues and helps to ensure data quality.
  5. Data management and reporting: Oracle RDC offers a range of data management and reporting tools that allow users to monitor data quality, track study progress, and generate custom reports.

Overall, Oracle RDC is a powerful tool for clinical trial data management that can help to streamline the data collection process and improve data quality and efficiency. Its user-friendly interface, automated edit checks, and real-time data validation make it a popular choice for clinical trial sponsors and researchers.

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