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Electronic Submissions

Electronic submissions refer to the process of submitting a manuscript or research paper to a journal or conference using electronic means, typically through an online submission system or email. This method has become increasingly common in the academic and scientific publishing community, replacing traditional paper-based submissions.

Here are some key points to consider regarding electronic submissions:

  1. Online Submission Systems: Many journals and conferences utilize online submission systems, which are web-based platforms specifically designed for manuscript submission and peer review processes. Authors create an account, fill in required information, upload their manuscript and supplementary files, and provide any additional details or instructions.
  2. File Formats: Manuscripts are typically required to be submitted in specific file formats, such as Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or PDF (.pdf). The submission system may have guidelines on file formatting, such as font size, line spacing, and margin requirements. It’s important to carefully follow the specified format to ensure compliance.
  3. Cover Letter: In addition to the manuscript file, authors may be required to provide a cover letter or a text box to enter a brief message. The cover letter typically includes information like the title of the paper, names and affiliations of the authors, and a summary of the study’s significance.
  4. Supplementary Files: Depending on the nature of the research, authors may need to submit additional files along with the manuscript, such as data sets, figures, tables, or multimedia files. These files are often uploaded separately, and the submission system will specify the allowed file formats and size limits.
  5. Author Information: The online submission system will prompt authors to enter their contact information, affiliations, and sometimes ORCID IDs (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), which is a unique identifier for researchers. It is essential to provide accurate and up-to-date information to ensure smooth communication with the journal or conference.
  6. Ethical Considerations: During the submission process, authors may be required to declare any conflicts of interest, funding sources, or ethical considerations related to their research. This information helps ensure transparency and integrity in the publication process.
  7. Confirmation and Tracking: After submitting a manuscript electronically, authors typically receive an email confirmation or a reference number for tracking purposes. This acknowledgment serves as proof of submission and can be used for future inquiries or follow-ups.

It’s worth noting that the specific details and requirements for electronic submissions may vary depending on the publisher, journal, or conference. Therefore, it’s essential to carefully read and follow the guidelines provided by the target publication or conference to ensure a successful submission.

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